
Environmental Justice isn't political, its systemic

Surya Dantuluri, Section #10 COWL 1

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Quick Facts

In 2019, 53.6 million metric tons (MMT) of e-waste were generated, with Asia being the largest contributor

On average, people of color comprise 56% of the population living in neighborhoods with TRI facilities, compared to 30% elsewhere.7

What is Environmental Injustice?

Environmental justice is a term to describe the distribution of environmental hazards across different social groups. The term is commonly used to describe communities that are adversely impacted by the production or release of hazardous waste, or the siting of polluting or potentially polluting facilities, such as power plants or toxic waste incinerators.

Environmental Racism

The Environmental Health Perspectives found in a 2012 study that people of color had the highest exposure to airborne particulates than whites. Hispanics were exposed to double the amount of chlorine exposure than whites.

Conclusions: Exposures to PM2.5 components differed by race/ethnicity, age, and SES. If some components are more toxic than others, certain populations are likely to suffer higher health burdens. Demographics differed between populations covered and not covered by monitors.

Toxic waste around us

The United Church of Christ Commission on Racial Justice found that African Americans found that over 15 million African Americans were in communities where there was at least 1 abandoned waste site


It all started in Warren County, North Carolina in

mid-September of 1982

Afton residents were frustrated by the dump trucks that was depositing toxic waste